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PPG21. March 2009. Pollution Prevention Guidelines. Incident Response Planning: PPG 21. These guidelines are produced jointly by the Environment Agency for England and Wales, the Northern Ireland. Environment Agency and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), referred to here as 'we' or 'us'. They.
17 Dec 2015 All pollution prevention guidance, known as PPGs, previously maintained by the Environment Agency have been withdrawn from use. Pollution prevention guidance (including PPGs) which advise industry and the public about their legal responsibilities.
PPG 5 page 1. PPG5. October 2007. Environment Alliance - working together. Pollution Prevention Guidelines. Works and maintenance in or near water: PPG5. These guidelines are produced jointly by the Environment Agency for England and Wales, the Environment and. Heritage Service for Northern Ireland and the
14 Dec 2015 Pollution Prevention Guidance 5 (PPG5) provides advice about how to prevent pollution and comply with environmental law when planning works near, in or over ponds, lakes, ditches, streams, rivers and other watercourses.
1 Jul 2013 Pollution Prevention Guidelines (PPGs) are based on relevant legislation and good practice. Following the guidelines will help you manage your environmental responsibilities to prevent pollution and comply with the law. PPGs are produced by the Environment Agency, Scottish Environment Protection
Pollution Prevention Guidelines (PPGs) are a series of documents developed by the Environment Agency for England and Wales, the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) for Northern Ireland and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) for Scotland. Each PPG is targeted at a particular type of business
Consultation with your local Agency office is advisable before any work is started. Contact details can be found at the end of these guidelines. 1. LEGAL FRAMEWORK a. The Agencies are responsible for both the protection of “controlled waters” from pollution and for the prevention of pollution of the environment, harm to
Pollution Prevention Guidelines (PPGs) are a series of documents providing good practice guidance to avoid pollution in various practical types of activities, and also including associated legal requirements. The PPGs were produced by the Environmental Alliance – the Environment Agency (EA) for England and Wales, the
28 Mar 2014 Environment Agency - Home A range of pollution prevention guidance notes (PPGs) to advise industry and the public on legal responsibilities and good environmental practice. A basic introduction to the 5 main activities you should look at to help you avoid pollution incidents and comply with the law.
19 Feb 2016 As of 17 December 2015, all Pollution Prevention Guidelines (PPG) have been withdrawn from use and from the website following the earlier withdrawal of certain guidelines. The Environment Agency has said that the withdrawal of PPGs is to make the guidance it provides more specific in relation